Coffee Rumors
Santosh Jha
Santosh Jha
| 09-08-2024
Food Team · Food Team
Coffee Rumors
It's so nice to sit back and relax with a cup of coffee on a weekend afternoon.
Nowadays, coffee has become a daily essential drink for many people.
For the following rumors about coffee, love coffee you can distinguish a few?
1. Drinking coffee is easy to get fat?
Truth: The word "coffee" comes from the Greek word "Kaweh", which means "power and passion". The calorie content of coffee itself is very low, and the calorie content of black coffee is very small, a cup of 100 grams of black coffee has only 2.55 calories. Most of the calories in coffee drinks come from whole milk, syrups, etc.
The Daily Mail reported that Action on Sugar, a British charity organization, surveyed a total of 131 beverages in several coffee shops. According to the standards set by the UK Food Standards Agency, 98% of the 131 different drinks sampled by Action on Sugar were found to have excessive sugar content.
2. Can drinking coffee refresh you for a long time?
Truth: Coffee is rich in caffeine and can be refreshing, but this kind of refreshing is a kind of early overdraft. Healthy adults should not consume more than 250 milligrams of caffeine a day, that is, 2-3 cups of coffee, which will stimulate the heart. Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, eliminates drowsiness, increases sensation and thinking as well and acts as a "cardiac stimulant" to regulate heart function.
Coffee Rumors
For long-term coffee drinkers, there will be a slight "addictive" feeling, and a day without drinking will feel tired, which is also caffeine in the role. Scientific studies have shown that human energy is a constant value, short-term want to refresh can drink coffee, but in the long run, this kind of refreshment is a kind of early overdraft of energy.
The human body has different sensitivity and tolerance to the caffeine in coffee, so the effect of refreshing coffee will be different. After drinking a high concentration of coffee, the adrenal glands in the body increase dramatically, resulting in a faster heart rate, significantly higher blood pressure, and nervousness, tinnitus involuntary body tremors, and other abnormal phenomena. So, if sleepy and tired, don't drink coffee, or take a nap, give yourself a charge.
3. Coffee is a "universal" drink?
Truth: Coffee is loved by white-collar workers, but coffee is not suitable for the crowd, not a "universal" drink. For example, for people suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other diseases long-term or large amounts of coffee, will increase the body's cholesterol content. Gastric patients drink strong coffee is easy to stimulate the stomach and intestines; pregnant women drink too much coffee can lead to fetal malformation or miscarriage.
Children due to the incomplete development of the liver and kidney, and poor detoxification ability, the half-life of caffeine metabolism will be prolonged, so it is necessary to prohibit children from ingesting caffeine. In addition, experts remind us that coffee should not be used as breakfast, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is more stimulating to the stomach and will affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract.